Contact Us
You can contact us via email, phone, fax, post and social media.
All of our details are listed below.
Salzburg, Austria
- Salzburg Global Seminar
- Schloss Leopoldskron
- Leopoldskronstrasse 56-58
- A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
- Telephone: +43 (662) 83 9 830
- Fax: +43 (662) 83 9 837
- Email:info(at)
Washington, DC, USA
- Salzburg Global Seminar
- 1730 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
- Suite 250
- Washington, D.C. 20006
- Telephone: +1 (202) 637-7683
- Fax: +1 (202) 637-7699
- Email:info(at)
London, UK
- Salzburg Global Seminar
- (c/o John Lotherington)
- 25 Museum Street
- London WC1A 1JT, UK
- Email: jlotherington(at)
Middlebury, VT, USA
- Salzburg Global Seminar
- P.O. Box 886
- Middlebury, VT 05753 USA

All individual staff member's email addresses are available in their profiles on the Staff page.
For information about scholarships, deadlines, and any other questions about the admissions procedure for Salzburg Global Seminar program, please contact: Admissions Office,
For information about the Salzburg Global Fellowship and related programs, please contact: Fellowship Office,
For information about press accreditation at Salzburg Global Seminar programs or for interviews with Salzburg Global staff or Fellows, please contact: Marketing and Communications Office,
For inquiries regarding the use of Schloss Leopoldskron for your private meetings and events, please contact: Events Office at Hotel Schloss Leopoldskron,
If you are still unsure to whom you should address a question, please use our account and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate office or person.